Foxtail Millet is rich in Dietary Fibre, Protein, healthy micros (Vitamin and Minerals) and low in Fat.
Macronutrients and Micronutrients are the two main compounds of every food. Macros are big and normally measured in grams, whereas Micros are small and measured in milligrams or even micrograms. That means that Macros are Carbohydrates, Fat and Protein. In contrast to Macros, Micros refer to Vitamins and Minerals.
Furthermore, Kangni/Foxtail Millet reduces the risk of Gastrointestinal and Kidney Disorders and is good for Diabetics
Benefits of Foxtail Millet / Kangni:
- Super Rich in Fibre, Iron, Calcium & Protein
- Good for heart
- Rich in antioxidants, helps boost the immune system
- Builds Memory Power
- Good for muscle health
- Superfood
- Super Healthy for all ages
- Naturally Grown
- Healthy Micros
Also wonderful to cook and amazing in Taste and Texture.
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